Scenario viewer
20% RES by 2020 – Scenarios on future European policies for RES-Electricity

This concise web representation aims to provide final results of an independent in-depth model based assessment of various policy options for renewable energies in general, and RES electricity in particular, to meet Europe’s commitment on 20% RES by 2020 and to explore the perspectives beyond 2020. A broad set of policy scenarios have been conducted with the Green-X model and were thoroughly analysed within the RE-Shaping study, illustrating the consequences of policy choices for the future RES evolution and the corresponding cost within the European Union as well as at country level. Feasible policy pathways have been identified and targeted recommendations provided in order to pave the way for a successful and in the long-term stable deployment of RES in Europe.

Please note that the topic discussed in this scenario viewer is presented in full detail in the report “Renewable energies in Europe – Scenarios on future European policies for RES“ (D22) available for download at this website!


Information on the following topics is applicable:

Method of approach / Key assumptions

1    Constraints of the policy assessment

2    Modelling tool - Green-X model

3    Criteria for the assessment of RES support schemes

4    Overview on key parameters


Scenario outcomes

1    Overview on assessed cases

1.1       Key policy pathways

1.2       Other topical scenarios

1.3       General remarks

2    20% RES by 2020  – strengthening of national RES support

2.1     Towards an effective and efficient 2020 RES target fulfilment

2.2     The need for and impact of cooperation

2.3     Indicators on deployment, costs and benefits

3    Is (early) harmonisation a preferable policy option?

3.1     Focus on RES-electricity  - impact on technology-specific deployment

3.2     Focus on RES-electricity - financial support for RES-E

3.3     How do (harmonised) support instruments perform under imperfect framework conditions?

3.4     Indicators on deployment, costs and benefits

4     Outlook to 2030

4.1       Consistency of long-term RES trends  – a comparison of Green-X and PRIMES modelling

4.2       Focus on RES-electricity – technology perspectives

4.3       Focus on RES-electricity – implications for investments and support

Christian Panzer, Gustav Resch, Lukas Liebmann, EEG / TU VIENNA

The authors and the whole project consortium gratefully acknowledge the financial and intellectual support of this work provided by the Intelligent Energy for Europe – Programme.

with the support of the EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation
Intelligent Energy for Europe


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