Objective: Development of the toolbox Green-X. The toolbox consists of:
Duration: October 2002 – May 2004
In more detail, the following subtasks occur:
Objective: To develop a computer tool inclusive description (hand-book) for a comparative, quantitative analysis of inter-actions between RES-E, CHP, conventional electricity generation and GHG-reduction in the electricity sector within the 15 Member States of the EU. The computer model includes all relevant parameters analysed in the previous work packages. In more detail these are:
dynamic costs functions
stakeholder behaviour
most relevant combinations of promotion strategies, i.e. strategy portfolios
In addition, a choice of the most important external cost (CO2, SO2, and NOx emissions) results from the ExternE project will be made available. In more detail the following results can be gained for the EU as a whole as well as for their Member States for each considered year:
electricity generation for RES-E and conv. electricity
import / export balance of RES-E and conv. electricity
impact of simulated strategies on generation costs and surplus for generators
impact of selected strategies on total costs and benefit for EU citizen
impact of strategies on GHG-reduction
Objective: To provide an internet data-base of both dynamic cost curves and CO2 avoiding costs over time for:
RES-E generation,
conventional electricity generation,
CHP generation and
most relevant DSM activities for electricity applications in all EU-countries.
Objective: Intensive testing to guarantee a faultless and user-friendly run of the toolbox Green-X, of both the simulation model as well as the data-base.
Green-X |
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