Proceedings from the
Final Conference & all Dissemination Workshops:
All proceedings from the international
final conference (Brussels, 23rd of September 2004) and the
dissemination workshops (Vienna, 15th of September 2004 - Brussels,
23rd of September 2004 - Madrid, 28th of September 2004) are available
The toolbox Green-X:
This paper provides a summary of
the developed computer-model and its database - representing a tool for
comparative and quantitative analysis of interactions between RES-E, CHP, DSM
activities and GHG-reduction within the liberalised electricity sector both
for the EU as a whole and individual Member States over time by simulating
different scenarios. It clearly describes structure and elements,
functionality, required inputs, delivered outputs, etc.
Modelling risks of renewable energy investments:
This report depicts the final
outcomes of
work package 2 (WP 2). It mainly deals with (the modelling of) risks
associated with investments in renewable energy technologies.
Analysis of Trade-offs between different support mechanism:
This report is in conformity with
work package 4 (WP 4). It provides the insights gained from the
theoretical analysis of the policy interactions between the areas of activity
(RES-E, CHP, DSM and GHG-reduction).
Integrated policy analysis of DSM & CHP & GHG & RES-E schemes in EU-15
This report represents the final outcome of the
policy analysis undertaken within WP 3. It provides a sound review on
policy schemes as applied in EU-15 countries with respect to the promotion of
DSM & CHP & GHG-reduction & RES-E.
Review of existing electricity quality
label systems in the European Union:
This report represents the first outcome of the
policy analysis undertaken within WP 3. It provides a sound review on
electricity labelling systems as they exist today.
Mid-term Workshop proceedings:
All proceedings from the international
mid-term workshop which took place on the 23rd of September 2003 at
EREC's 'Renewable Energy House' in Brussels are available now!
Dynamic cost-resource curves:
This report represents the initial outcome of the
data collection undertaken within WP 1. It summarises the general methodology
applied for the derivation of dynamic cost-resource curves (for RES-E,
conventional electricity and DSM) and describes the core elements of the
database used in the toolbox Green-X
- Introduction:
A short introduction on the project Green-X is
given in this paper.