Objective: To analyse the dynamics of cost curves for the different RES-E technologies, for conventional electricity and CHP generation and the most important demand-side activities for electricity applications in various EU countries. In addition, potential and costs for GHG reduction will be investigated for the electricity sector.
Duration: October 2002 – September 2003
Leader: ISI
Participants: EEG, IT-Power, RISOE, CSIC
Deliverable: D3 – Public Report “Dynamics of cost curves”
In more detail, the following subtasks occur:
Note: It is planned to consider the following RE technologies:
Biomass subcategories: Forestry products (wood), Forestry residues (bark, sawmill by-products, etc.), Agricultural products (energy crops), Agricultural residues (straw etc.), Biogenic fraction of waste (MSW+ISW)
Geothermal electricity
Hydro power subcategories: Small scale (< 10 MW) & Large scale
Landfill gas
Sewage gas
Solar subcategories: Photovoltaics & Solar thermal electricity
Tidal energy
Wave energy
Wind subcategories: Wind on-shore & Wind off-shore.
Objective: Identification of scenarios for electricity and CHP generation and consumption (supply and demand) up to the year 2020
Objective: Investigation on the relevance of
various parameters for the development of dynamic cost curves.
Parameters of relevance are e.g.: investment costs, efficiency due to
technical progress and limited resources,
fuel costs, social acceptance etc.
Objective: Dynamic cost curves for RES-E by technology and by country will be provided up to the year 2020
Objective: Dynamic cost curves for CHP by country will be provided up to the year 2020.
Objective: Dynamic cost curves for conventional electricity generation will be provided up to the year 2020.
Objective: Dynamic cost curves for CHP by country will be provided up to the year 2020. in this context, potential and costs as well as their dynamic development will be investigated for the most important end-use technologies for electricity.
Objective: Dynamic costs
for reducing CO2-emissions
from electricity generation by technology and by country with respect to
efficiency improvements, fuel switching
and a more rational use of electricity will be
Necessary premium costs over time in dependency on the kind of label
(portfolio of RES-E) will be analysed.
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