Investigated scenarios & the accompanying key assumptions

Definition of scenarios

The aim of the scenario runs is to analyse the effects of different support schemes – both harmonised and non-harmonised policies among the EU 15 Member States – with respect to RES-E deployment, investment needs, generation costs and transfer costs for consumers.

The RES-E Directive (EC/77/01) sets a minimum framework for RES-E policy. However, in line with the Principle of Subsidiary, it allows each MS to choose the support scheme, which “corresponds best to its particular situation”. Taking account of the wide diversity of promotion schemes between Member States, the Directive states that it is too early to set a Community-wide framework regarding support schemes. By 10/27/2005, the Commission should present a report on the experience gained with the application and coexistence of different support schemes in the Member States. The report may be accompanied by a proposal for a Community framework for RES support schemes (art.4.2). However, it does not prejudge what the RES-E policy scheme should be used for in the future. Not even if a common RES-E promotion scheme should be implemented. The directive also stipulates that such a proposal for a harmonised support framework should allow a transition period of at least 7 years (thereafter) in order to maintain investors’ confidence and avoid stranded costs. Therefore, at least in the short/medium-term, national support schemes will continue to be used by MS to promote RES-E. In the future – at least ‑ some sort of combination of a community framework (harmonisation) and continuation of MS policies for new and existing capacity is possible.

The model runs try to consider the spread of possible RES-E policy deployment within the EU in the following way:

Figure 1 gives an overview of the investigated scenario paths.

Figure 1. Investigated cases

General scenario assumptions

►    Gross electricity consumption

Electricity demand according to DG TREN Outlook 2030: European Energy and Transport Trends to 2030 Outlook (Mantzos et. al 2003) – Baseline forecast. This means that electricity demand rise – on average – by 1.8% p. a. up to 2010 and by 1.5 % p. a. thereafter. Of course, on country level different demand projections are used. For example while the demand forecast for France is 2.2% p.a. up to 2010, a projection of only 1.1% p.a. is assumed for Germany.

►    Primary energy prices for biomass products

Figure 2 gives an overview about the variations of biomass prices in EU 15 countries. The price level differs among the countries and biomass fractions. Current prices are based on an assessment conducted within the Green-X project and are expressed in €2002. Prices are lowest for biowaste, followed by forestry and agricultural residues, and they are high for both forestry and agricultural products. It is assumed that the costs for bioenergy products remain constant till 2010. In the period 2010-2015 a slight rise of 0.5% per annum and after 2015 a price increase of 1% is projected.

Figure 2. Variation of the prices for the different biomass products in EU 15

►    Electricity prices

For each EU 15 Member State the power price is derived endogenously within the Green-X model considering interconnection constraint among the countries. The calculations are based on

–    Primary energy projections from the WETO project .

–   Different CO2-policy assumptions[1], namely no-CO2 constraint, medium CO2 constraint (assuming a tradable emission allowance price up to 10 €/t-CO2) and high CO2 constraint (assuming a tradable emission allowance price up to 20 €/t-CO2)

–    Note, RES-E policy significantly influences the power market price.

►    Interest rate / weighted average cost of capital

The determination of the necessary rate of return is based on the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) methodology.[2] Two options are considered in the analysis, namely 6.5% and 8.6%. The different values are based on different risk assessment, one standard risk level and a higher risk level characterised by a higher expected market rate of return. The 6.5% value is used as the default value; the 8.6% is used for the sensitivity analysis and is applied in scenarios with lower stable planning conditions and support schemes cause a higher risk for the investors (TGC system). To analyse the effects of different strategies, for the simulation no technology-specific risk premiums (different WACC according to their maturity and risk characteristics) are used.[3]

►    Future cost projection – technological learning

Within the model Green-X the following dynamic developments of the electricity generation technologies are considered

–    Investment costs (experience curves or expert forecast)

–    Operation & Maintenance costs (expert forecast)

–    Improvement of the energy efficiency (expert forecast)

For most technologies the investment cost forecast is based on technological learning, see Table 1. As learning is taking place on the international level the deployment of a technology on the global level must be considered. For the model runs global deployment consists of the following components:

–    Deployment within the EU 15 Member States is endogenously determined, i.e. is derived within the model

–    For the new EU Member States (EU-10+) forecasts of the future development by RES-E categories are taken from the project ‘FORRES 2020’; for details see Ragwitz et. al. (2004).

–    Expected developments in the ‘Rest of the world’ are based on forecasts as presented in the IEA World Energy Outlook 2004 (IEA, 2004).

Dynamic assessment of investment costs for different RES-E technologies

RES-E category

Applied approach



Experience curve (global)

LR (learning rate) = 5%


Experience curve (global)

LR = 5%

Geothermal electricity

Experience curve (global)

LR = 5%


Expert forecast

No cost decrease in considered period


Experience curve (global)

LR = 15% up to 2010, 10% after 2010

Solar thermal electricity

Experience curve (global)

LR = 15% up to 2010, 10% after 2010

Tidal & Wave

Expert forecast

Cost decrease 5%/year up to 2010, 1%/year after 2010

Wind on- & offshore

Experience curve (global)

LR = 9%

Assumptions for simulated support schemes

Within this project the two most important support schemes within the EU are analysed, namely (i) a quota obligation in combination with tradable green certificates and (ii) a feed-in tariff system. A number of key input parameters are defined for each of the model runs and they are described below.

►    General scenario conditions

Transfer costs for society hugely depend on the design of policy instruments. The design options of the instruments are chosen in a way such that transfer costs for society are low. In the model run, it is assumed that all investigated strategies – BAU as well as for reaching the 1000 TWh target by 2020 ‑ are characterised by:

–    Stable planning horizon

–    Continuous RES-E policy / long term RES-E targets

–    Clear and well defined tariff structure / yearly quota for RES-E technologies

–    Reduced investment and O&M costs, increased energy efficiency over time.

–    Reduction in barriers and high public acceptance in the long term[4].

In addition, for all investigated scenarios, with the exception of the BAU scenario (i.e. currently implemented policies remain available without adaptations up to 2020) the following design options are assumed

–    Financial support is restricted to new capacity only [5]

–    Restriction of the duration in which investors can receive (additional) financial support. [6]

►    Scenario conditions assuming a quota obligation[7]

–    Tradable green certificates are standardised

–    Full competition, i.e. (i) a high level of market transparency exist, (ii) an appropriate level of trading volume is available, (iii) investors are seeking the most efficient RES-E resources, leading to an idealised, fully competitive TGC market;[8]

–    Additional support for less mature RES-E technologies does not exist

–    Constant yearly interim targets[9]

–    Penalty for not fulfilling the quota obligation are set high amounts up to 150 €/MWh.

►    Scenario conditions assuming a feed-in tariff scheme[10]

–    Guaranteed tariffs are technology specific,

–    Tariffs are set as low as is reasonable without causing a lower deployment rate over the RES-E portfolio.

–    Guaranteed tariffs decrease over time or at least remain constant for certain RES-E technologies

–    Tariffs for wind energy are designed as a stepped feed-in tariff [11]

[1] In a sensitivity analysis different CO2-contraints are assumed. The default assumption refers to a medium CO2-constraint of up to 10 €/t-CO2.

[2] WACC is often used as an estimate of the internal discount rate of a project or the overall rate of return desired by all investors (equity and debt providers).

[3] For determining the exact setting of the support level such a technology specific WACC approach is useful. Such a procedure is - in a more detailed (country specific) analysis – feasible by applying the model Green-X.

[4] In the scenario runs it is assumed that the existing social, market and technical barriers (.e.g. grid integration) can be overcome in time. The reduction depends on the assumed target, i.e. a more optimistic view is assumed for reaching the 1000 TWh target in 2020 compare to the BAU target

[5] This means that only plants constructed after the start year of the different scenarios (2004 and 2013 respectively) are allowed to receive the support.

[6] In the model runs it is assumed that the time frame is restricted to 15 years

[7] With the exception of the quota obligation given in the current RES-E policies (BAU scenario)

[8] Otherwise costs rise due to strategic price setting.

[9] Interim targets are set in a way that the percentage increase between the single years is constant in the period 2013-2020 (for the case of a harmonised strategy beyond 2012) and in the period 2006-2010 and 2011-2020 (for the case that the indicative target in 2010 should be reached)

[10] With the exception of the feed-in tariffs schemes given in the current RES-E policies (BAU scenario)

[11] This means that the feed-in tariff will be reduced if actual generation is high. To set an incentive for investors to implement the most efficient technologies and locations, the reduction in the guaranteed price must be less than the total revenue that can be gained if an efficient plant and location are chosen. Profits will thus be higher at more cost effective sites. A stepped tariff e.g. is implemented in Germany


Contact: Gustav Resch

Copyright: Energy Economics Group (EEG), Vienna University of Technology

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