IEE project BETTER - Scenario viewer
Integrated Assessment of RES cooperation between the EU and its neighbours

6    References

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European Commission, 2013b. EU Energy, Transport and GHG Emissions Trends to 2050: Reference Scenario 2013. DG Energy, DG Climate Action and DG Mobility and Transport. European Commission, 2014. IMPACT ASSESSMENT. Accompanying the Communication A policy framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 up to 2030 (COM/2014/15 final).

Jacobsen, H. K., Pade, L. L., Schroeder, S. T., Kitzing, L., 2014. Cooperation mechanisms to achieve EU renewable targets, Renewable Energy, Vol. 63, pp. 345-352

Karakosta, C., Marinakis, V., Psarras, J., 2013. RES Cooperation Opportunities between EU and MENA Countries: The Case of Morocco, Energy Strategy Reviews, Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 92-99.

Ortner, A., G. Resch, M. Welisch, G. Totschnig, N. Caldes, C. De La Rua, A. Türk, 2015. D5.3: Case study report on prospects for RES cooperation with Turkey using the cooperation mechanisms. A report compiled within the IEE project BETTER, accessible at

Resch G., M. Welisch, Ortner (2015). D6.2: Short term prospects for RES cooperation with Third countries. A report compiled within the IEE project BETTER, accessible at Vienna, Austria, 2015.

Resch G., M. Welisch, A. Ortner, G. Totschnig, A. Tuerk, D. Steiner, 2015. D6.4: Integrative assessment of prospects for RES cooperation with Third countries. A report compiled within the IEE project BETTER, accessible at Vienna, Austria, 2015.

Trieb, Franz 2015. D3.3: Case study report on prospects for RES cooperation with North Africa using the cooperation mechanisms. A report compiled within the IEE project BETTER, accessible at

Tuerk, A., D. Frieden, D. Steiner, C. Fruhmann (JR), Z.Kordic, R. Pasicko (UNDP), A. Ortner, G. Resch, G. Totschnig (TU Wien), 2015. D4.3: Case study report on prospects for RES cooperation with the Western Balkans using the cooperation mechanisms. A report compiled within the IEE project BETTER, accessible at

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