This section focuses on key outcomes of a comprehensive quantitative assessments undertaken on the extent to which RES cooperation can create mutual benefits, identifying costs and benefits for both sides but in particular with respect to RES target achievement by 2030 and beyond at EU level. Prospects for RES generation in Turkey, North Africa, the Western Balkans and the EU are calculated under various policy pathways, reflecting the uncertainty on the way forward - e.g. concerning the ambition level of future RES targets and RES developments at EU level and in the assessed neighbouring regions / countries as well as with regard to RES cooperation. Thus, this overarching integrative assessment paints a big picture scenario and provides valuable policy implications for future cooperation between the EU28 Member States and their neighbouring countries.
Please note that all outcomes presented stem from the techno-economic policy analysis conducted by use of the Green-X model. Complementary results from e.g. the corresponding power-system-analysis can be found in the corresponding scenario report.
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